Sean P.

Sean P. Headshot.jpg

I always knew I wanted to travel, the only problem was finding the funds to facilitate my nomadic lifestyle. I needed a job, anything to scrape together enough for airfare and a backpack. At the end of university I found a job as a Flight Attendant with Air Canada Jazz. I would work for the summer, maybe six months, and save every penny. I remember stuffing a lonely planet in my flight satchel, flipping through the pages laying in a warm Charlottetown park and dreaming of the adventures I would have. I never fully realized that working to travel was one way to do it, but travelling for a living was another. What was supposed to be a temporary job as a Flight Attendant became a more permanent way to see the world while earning a pay cheque. I spent two years at Jazz hopping between some of Canada's smaller cities and towns before moving to Air Canada, destined to pursue the world. Two years at Air Canada led me to WestJet where I have been based for the last 8 years. In my time within aviation I have bounced around the world. These adventures opened my eyes to an industry that shared this passion for travel, that allowed me to earn money while doing it and has given me some of the my lifelong friends. My job here at Seneca is to ignite this same passion in you, to watch as you start to explore the world and be the hand the helps you get there. 


Hayla A.


Veronica A.