Where They Are Now

Are you a recent graduate? It's the toughest time in history for most, especially if one is on a job search; our grads are dealing with a new landscape for sure. The Career Foundation is here to help. Check out their flyer here.


My name is Danna and I studied Flight Services: cabin management and operations at Seneca for two years. I am currently a flight attendant with Flair Airlines travelling around Canada to provide safety and excellent customer service to all my passengers. Seneca made my transition into the aviation industry incredibly easy; all my training and studies were reflected and acknowledged during my initial training. I entered feeling confident and happy about my decision!"

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I joined Cathay Pacific Airways as a cabin crew in 2018 and continue to love every minute of flying! I’ve had the chance to travel around the world, meet new people, and taste new flavors. Although some flights are tiring, every time I land in a new destination all the stresses melt away because I get to relax at the hotel, tour the city, and do some shopping! I am so thankful for my studies in the Flight Services Program at Seneca. It helped me prepare for the interview and Initial Training. I felt less stressed during training as it was the most difficult part of this job. Most of the things I learned in school were very useful for my career. I am grateful for the Professors, and wish students all the success with their future careers!



I graduated Seneca in 2018 in the Flight Services: Cabin Operations and Management program and was fortunate to be able to get an offer with WestJet Encore and as well as Air Canada Rouge in 2019, knowing myself i knew I wanted to challenge myself and keep my goal to get into Mainline so I chose AC Rouge with 4 types of aircrafts in their fleet. With the challenges the industry has gone through these past years and many good changes in the airline I was then able to get an opportunity to be recalled for Mainline as a Special Assignment Flight Attendant, training was challenging for sure but I was confident that all the lessons and courses i took at Seneca really helped, though it might not be a permanent position at Mainline but the journey in reaching my goal in this Airline industry never stops and i know that I have my family, friends and as well as the Professors that got me through where I am now will always have my back and support.

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Hello, my name is Ianah and I’m 21 years old. Ever since I was a little girl I always dreamt of becoming a Flight Attendant. With Seneca, it was like a dream that was unfolding in-front of me. The program and the professors really helped me to prepare myself for the real world and especially initial training.  I started my initial training with Flair Airlines, a low-cost domestic airline. Initial training was nerve-wrecking but it wasn’t that different from what we did at Seneca and that’s why I was so prepared. There is a reason why our professors were on top of our on time performance (OTP) and grooming. Trust me when I say, OTP and grooming are extremely important! The Flights program and initial training have a lot of similarities but there are differences as well, which makes it fun and exciting! 

When I started flying it felt so unreal. I was nervous yet excited for my first flight. It is what I had been waiting for. Being able to actually sit on the Flight Attendant jump seat and do the safety demo made me the most excited. I flew to Vancouver and had a two day lay-over. Due to COVID-19, I wasn’t able to go out and explore as much as I would of loved to. I was able to learn so much from my first flight through the other flight attendants as well as my In-flight Director. We did not have any service on board because of the pandemic, that is why we had to be resourceful and flexible. 

We always learn something new and that’s the best way to grow. Always remember no matter how stressful the situation may be, the end goal will make you strive harder and teach you to never give up. Like what Disney said, dreams do come true and you’re one step away from unfolding your own dream.



Tyler was a student in the FSO program and graduated as Valedictorian in 2017. He was hired as a Passenger Service Agent for Air France before convocation and quickly moved up to become a Flight Attendant at WestJet.

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I am a Lead Flight Attendant for Swoop, Canada’s leading Ultra Low Cost Airline. I have been with the company since it’s launch, operating some of the inaugural flights across the country.  Swoop started with five destinations, and a year and a half later, we now stretch to 20 destinations (including international and transborder).
So what is an LFA? It’s a purser or a cabin manager. I guide my crew towards success through clear communication, decisive decision making and maintaining cabin authority. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a dictator. But I am essentially the “muscle” on the aircraft if my FAs are having trouble with travellers, equipment or other things. I trust my cabin crew members and their abilities implicitly, standing back unless I absolutely need to step in. I lead the preflight briefings with the Captain and delegate tasks. I also liaise with gate agents, team leads, and our Flight Attendant manager when things go sideways. At the end of the day, I set the standard for the crew. Sometimes I bribe them with treats to start the day off excellently.
In addition to being an LFA, I also assist in initial training. Helping break down concepts for trainees who have never flown before, or adding a fresh perspective on the relevancy of what is being covered in class. It’s great to meet hopeful recruits during training. They’re the FAs I’ll be leading on the line, so developing a relationship prior to their first flight is a privilege I greatly cherish.
Being at Swoop has been a whirlwind. Our rate of growth has given me the opportunity to transition from Flight Attendant to Lead in less than three months of operation. Graduating from Seneca played a part in my success. The tests and drills felt familiar in initial training because Seneca prepared me for it.
As I have previously stated, Swoop is expanding rapidly. Maybe I’ll be flying with some of you soon!



Hello! I work for Air Canada and am currently taking an aircraft maintenance program. I was a student of the Flight Services certificate from 2013-2015 and went back to Seneca to take the Flights diploma from 2017-2018. I dreamt to become an Air Canada employee when I heard of it from friends and people from my Korean community and church. Air Canada gave me a call for Cabin Services and Cleaning Attendant in 2018 when I was in my final semester of Flights Services: Operations and Cabin Management. I plan on being in airplane maintenance when I finish my program, and continue my dreams of working with Air Canada, thanks to Seneca. I really want to say thank you to Seneca for helping my dream come true!



My name is Natalia, I am a 2018 graduate from Seneca in Flight Services 2-year program. I am very satisfied with the Flight Services program because I was immediately hired 2 months prior my graduation. I am currently working as a full-time Flight Attendant with Swoop Airline out of Hamilton International Airport. I have been working with Swoop since 2018 where my duties are to ensure passengers safety and experience.

My typical day will start with getting to the airport 60 minutes prior to my report time, punching in, going to the gate, do our briefing, security checks if it is U.S flight, and pre-flight checks. Once the pre-flight checks are done, we will start to board our passengers by following our safely performing On Time Procedure during which we use a lot of our situational awareness to detect sick and unruly passengers. After the boarding we perform the safety demo and then take-off. I like my job as a Flight Attendant because everyday is different. I enjoy being in the sky, working with different people, speaking different languages, and meeting new people.

I want to encourage everyone taking this program to stay focus in class, listen to the teachers, participate in the group activities, believe in themselves, and not to let anyone tell you otherwise because you are one step away to achieving your flight attendant goal. I am happy to have graduated from Seneca College and hope to meet you in the air one day.



I am a Seneca alumni from 2018. I recently passed Westjet’s initial training. I started working as a Guest Service Ambassador to Customer Service Agent and now Inflight, as a Flight Attendant for 737. Actually, it was my third try to be an FA, so never stop chasing your dreams. Seneca played a big role to all my achievements.

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Since graduating from Flights Services program, I have been honoured to be part of Air Transat family as a flight attendant. The program truly helped me prepare myself for the flight attendant position; prepare myself for the interview, familiarize myself of airline terminologies, procedures, and earn the confidence and determination to face a very challenging initial training. I have now been part of the company for almost two years and I would say that I will always be grateful for this lifetime learning experience and growth I get to have. 



Since Graduation, Philip has been employed at Air Canada as a Concierge. His position is modeled after concierge service found in 5 Star hotels.  As one of over 400 concierge globally, Philip is tasked with easing the way for Air Canada’s premium customers throughout their entire airport experience.  His job is a busy one with duties that varies from day-to-day depending on the diverse requirements of the airline’s top customers, such as check-in, flight changes/rebooking, baggage, escort, connections, and IROPs. 

While studying he was also a Student Ambassador and SMILE Mentor for New Students entering his program. In his final year he was granted the opportunity to participate in a co-op program which stemmed from the relationship Seneca has with WestJet. This co-op gave him an opportunity to develop work-related experience that played a pivotal role in his career . Six weeks into his co-op, he was offered a job at Air Canada — a dream come true! In February (2019), he will celebrate three years as an Air Canada Concierge.

Philip loves his job and is challenged daily to create a sense of comfort and recognition for his premium customers with a simple philosophy – “If it’s possible, consider it done”. When he is not working, he enjoys spending time with family and friends, in nature, trying new recipes, or traveling.

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