Student Clips and Quips
Do you feel ready to apply for a position as a Flight Attendant?
Samantha Joy Nonan
What are you looking forward to as you get ready for your fourth semester?
Jennifer Isip
How are the professors preparing you for a career as a Flight Attendant?
Nicolas Kennedy
What has surprised you about your courses so far?
Laura De La Torre Bernal
How have you managed to connect with other students during the pandemic?
Kirsten Embro
Do you want to answer questions for future students? Film yourself answering a question from the list below and send to
How has the college managed your safety with your on-campus course?
How has time in the simulators impacted your learning?
If you took this program in the future, would your choice be to take a combination of online and on-campus courses?
What are you looking forward to in your coming semesters?
Would you say there is a sense of community in your program?
What has been one of your greatest challenges learning online?
Have you had the support you need from your professors?
How do you feel when you leave the Learning Hub each week?
What have you learned about yourself through this program?
What activity have you completed this term that had you already seeing yourself as a Flight Attendant?
Have your professors used social media in a way to enhance your learning?
How has your confidence level changed since entering this program?
How have the professors helped you to enjoy the online portions of your courses?
What are you most proud of as a result of this program?
What's your greatest achievement, so far, in this program?