Angela C.


In 1987, I graduated from university with a Bachelor of Arts, and began my flying career shortly thereafter. My first position as a Flight Attendant was with Air Ontario, in 1989 I began my career at Air Canada. Working as an Air Canada Flight Attendant, I’ve been able to see more of the world than I ever dreamt possible. One of the many highlights of my career includes touring with the Rolling Stones as one of their flight attendants.

My career as a Flight Attendant has provided me with a flexible schedule that allowed me to pursue a career in teaching as well. For 20 years I have taught both elementary and secondary school students in the Burlington/Oakville area. In September 2018, I was both privileged and honoured to be offered a position at Seneca College in the Flight Services program. Teaching at Seneca College has provided me with an awesome opportunity to share my passion with students who are looking to pursue a career in the airline industry.


Sarah S.