Interview tips

1. Dress to impress:

Review the website and social media pages to view general employees attire and mimic something similar for your interview.

2. Behavioural questions:

Anticipate interview questions. Review the job description, highlight the skills required and prepare yourself to answer questions related to those skills. Try to match your own skills to those mentioned in the job description and prepare examples/scenarios to showcase each skill.

3. Understand the job description:

Make sure to know the information about the job you’re applying for. Why are you interested in this position?


4. Research the company:

Research about the company and show your knowledge. Why would you like to work for this company?

5. Interview setting:

Get information on the type of interview (group or individual) and find out the names of the people who will interview you. Research and familiarize yourself with your interviewees. (Learn names and faces)

6. Pre-interview:

Be 10-15 mins early to interview and prepare the contact info of contact person/interviewer.

7. Mock interview:

Take the time to practice an entire interview from start to finish.

8. Communication: 

Examples of work experience that you share during your interview should highlight your independent efforts in accomplishing an action. While it is important to highlight what you did individually, it is also important to show that you can work and collaborate well with others.

9. Prepare questions for interviewer:

As best as you can, try not to ask questions to which the answers can be found on the job description or website. To avoid this, make sure to read the job description carefully. If you think of other questions during the interview, feel free to ask.

10. Post interview:

Send a thank you email to interviewer(s) after the interview within 24-48 hours.

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